Flight announcement / Prior Permission Required (PPR)

For flights from or to not Schengen treaty countries a complete list of the passengers an the crew members is mandatory for clearance by the Federal German Borderpolice (Bundespolizei) It must includ the following data:

FLIGHT: A/C Registration | Flight Nbr (if applicable) | Date of Flight

PAX: First/Last Name | Place of birth | Date of birth | Nationality 

CREW: First/Last Name | Place of birth | Date of birth | Nationality 

Please send the list via fax to + or via email to mail@sea-airport.com


At our published PPR Time (AIP-IFR /VFR) the Tower is servicable 30min before STA/STD

In case of any delay or change in schedule, please advise a.s.a.p


Frequency: 131.25